2018 - Who Do You Say I Am?

The theme for 2018 is ‘Who do you say I am?’ Echoing the question Jesus asked of his disciples in Mark 8:29 it invites us to reflect on the significance of the labels, tags and names that other assign to us – and we assign to others. Sometimes they mean more than they should. Sometimes they are just downright wrong, even abusive. Reflecting on who we really are helps us to see ourselves in a positive light and encourages us to follow our dreams. Likewise, it helps us to see others in a different light.

Prisoner Quotes:

Others say I am narcissistic, dangerous and violent…
I say I am a young man who made bad choices

 Others say I am evil, scum and not safe in community…
I say I am lost and struggling, but hopeful.

 Others say I am a prisoner, worthless and sad…
I say I am worthy, happy and free.

 Others say I am a waste of space and will never change…
I say I am determined to change and a loving father.

 Others say I am a violent drug dealer…
I say I am a caring and loving and have changed my life

 Others say I am sub-human, dangerous and a risk to the public…
I say I am created in God’s image, have made mistakes and am a recipient of God’s love mercy and grace.

 Others say I am a prisoner…
I say I am redeemed.

 Others say I am mad…
I say I am reborn.

 Others say I am hated…
I say I am a child of God.
