
Below are just a few of the groups and organisations working with prisoners and/or their families.  There are all sorts of ways that individuals, congregations and faith communities can get involved.  Contact us if you or your congregation want more ideas or request a speaker to come and speak to your group.

Prison Chaplaincy

Every prison is served by a Chaplaincy Team. Chaplains are available to offer pastoral and religious care to prisoners, their families and prison staff. Chaplains work with a range of churches and other external organisations through which volunteering opportunities are available.

If you would like to discuss volunteering or request a speaker, please contact Sheena Orr, Scottish Prison Service Chaplaincy Adviser, in the first instance who will refer your request to the appropriate Prison Chaplaincy or organisation.
Telephone: 0131 330 3575 or email

Families Outside

Families Outside provides support and information to families. Families, or professionals seeking to support them, can call their national helpline. Families Outside provide regular webinars and training sessions for professionals who want to learn more about how imprisonment can affect families and how they can help. The Scottish Prison Service website provides information for family members including answers to Frequently Asked Questions and contact details for individual prisons. All prisons in Scotland have a Family Contact Officer who is responsible for encouraging and maintaining links with families and can offer support and advice for relatives with concerns. 

The majority of prisons in Scotland have a Prison Visitors Centre operated by not for profit organisations, which are independent of the prisons they work alongside.  Each centre is managed by friendly, professional staff who provide a welcoming, family-friendly area which can offer information, support, or help to families visiting the prison. Contact details and opening hours for each Visitor Centre is available here.
> Read blog

Helpline: 0800 254 0088 or email

Prison Fellowship Scotland

Prison Fellowship Scotland is a non-denominational, faith-based Christian charity, working with all 15 of Scotland's prisons. Working in partnership with Prison Chaplaincy our work consists of the following areas:

Prison Fellowship Scotland puts relationships at the centre of all we do. We support volunteers from churches in Scotland who in return help reduce the social isolation of people in prison, give people the opportunity to explore faith, raise awareness of victim impact and through the wider work, support the children affected by imprisonment. If you would like to learn more about how you can be involved in any of the above please get in touch:

Telephone: 0141 266 0136

Victim Support Scotland

Providing support to victims and witnesses of crime.

Helpline: 0845 603 9213

Howard League Scotland

Howard League Scotland is the country's leading independent penal reform organisation. We campaign for the Scottish penal system to be just, progressive and humane and that prison becomes a measure of last resort. > Read blog

International Commission for Catholic Prison Pastoral Care (ICCPPC)

ICCPPC aims to bring a greater awareness and sensitivity to the problems of people in prison, the Commission stimulates the creation and encourages the growth of Catholic prison chaplaincies all over the world.


Integrate is a Community Chaplaincy providing a bridge between prison and community. It is based in Aberdeen and the Senior Community Chaplain is Caroline Crombie.

Telephone: 01224 646424

Breathing Space

Sometimes our thoughts and feelings can overwhelm us. It helps to get some Breathing Space. Pick up the phone - we're here to listen.

Need help now? Telephone free: 0800 83 85 87

Connect To Community

Connect to Community (formerly CFEO Scotland) – Building Positive Pathways after Prison. Covering the whole of Scotland, Connect to Community seeks to enable those leaving prison to reintegrate into their communities with the help of local mentors and churches. > Read blog

Telephone: 0141 766 0167

Junction 42

A local charity that's passionate about delivering key services to see the lives of offenders and their communities visibly transformed by the hope of the gospel. Junction 42 has two Connect groups supporting ex-prisoners in Glasgow and Edinburgh. During Covid-19 lockdown J42 has been supplying prisons across UK with Faith Packs containing a CD with Christian music, Bible readings and something 'crafty' to colour in or make. > Read blog


Quiet Waters

Quiet Waters provide bereavement counselling at Cornton Vale Women's prison. For most people, grief is a natural healing process, but at times you may find that you would like to talk to someone, particularly if you are feeling stuck. We try to help you find a "new normality" with meaning and purpose in life again as you move forward.

Prison Alpha

Alpha is run by churches and groups in 50% of the UK’s prisons. Alpha can give prisoners a chance to ask life’s big questions and find out about the Christian faith in a safe, informal and friendly environment. The Alpha in Prisons team provide training and support to run Alpha in Prison.

Christianity Explored Prison Edition

For those who may have an interest, Christianity Explored has adapted its material for use in the prison setting.